Evictions Are Last Resort – Reaffirm Landlords

Private and social landlords in Scotland have signed new joint statements in which they reaffirm their pledge to avoid evictions of tenants facing financial difficulties because of the Coronavirus pandemic. By signing the shared statements, The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) representing private landlords, together with social landlords’ representative bodies –  Scottish Federation of Housing …


New £10m Grant Fund for Scottish Tenants in Arrears

The Scottish Government has announced a new £10 million grant scheme for private tenants struggling to pay their rent as a direct consequence of the Coronavirus pandemic. The fund is the latest form of financial support made available to Scottish tenants in arrears, and it aims at ensuring that evictions are used as a last …


Citylets Sponsors 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge Crew

Citylets is proud to announce its sponsorship of the only Scottish team in the 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, described as “The World’s Toughest Rowing Race” which will see up to 30 teams from around the world compete in rowing more than 3000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean. The race is a premier annual event …


Lets Talk with Vanessa Van De Velde

Property developer, Vanessa Van De Velde, features on episode 37 of Lets Talk. Only in her mid-30’s, Vanessa has been a buy to let landlord for almost 10 years and has also purchased properties to renovate and sell (flip) during that time. She offers insights and helpful advice for those considering investing in property, as …


Wheatley Group Pledges to Build 5,500 New Affordable Homes by 2026

Wheatley Group has announced one of the largest affordable housebuilding programmes in the UK which will see 5,500 new homes built across Scotland by 2026. The new homes will be a mix of social and mid-market rent, including properties built to wheelchair standard and accommodation to help older people live independently for longer in their …


How to Create a Low Maintenance Rental Property

For most landlords, the goal of a rental property is to make money. But maintaining a property can be expensive, especially when tenants are moving in and out. One way to ease the financial burden of this process is to create a durable, low maintenance property that will stand up to wear and tear more …

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