Lets Talk with Steve Cox

Many landlords find the task of arranging landlord cover a bit of a minefield, to say the least. Episode 59 of Lets Talk features Steve Cox, Account Executive at Alan Boswell Group, offering valuable insight and advice when it comes to ensuring you take out the right insurance for your buy to let property. Alan …


The Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform)(Scotland) Bill 2022

The Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform)(Scotland) Bill 2022 (the Bill) has made its way through all the required stages of scrutiny by the Criminal Justice Committee, and we now have sight of the Bill in its final form, and as passed. As suspected, the Bill, in so far as it relates to the Private Rented Sector …


How to Buy a Second Home in Scotland

Around 1,000,000 people in the UK own a second home – investment properties, holiday homes or to provide a home for a family member. If you’re considering buying your second home, whatever the reason, it’s important to be crystal clear on the financial implications. We recommend speaking to a mortgage broker or a property investment …


Tenements on the Brink: Why Buildings Collapse

The BBC Documentary ‘Why Buildings Collapse’ reflected upon the tragic collapse of the Champlain Tower South in 2021. Although mostly based in Florida, the programme brought the issue into a UK context and firmly focused on the Scottish housing quality crisis. In this blog post, we explain some of the critical issues affecting tenements, their …


Hydrogen Boilers? We’ve Got You Covered! Here’s What You Need to Know

We all have heard the hype around hydrogen being a suitable alternative to heat your home, but what does this actually mean? Why is it being considered? When are things likely to change and how can hydrogen be introduced into your home? The government is currently on course with their plans to stop using natural …


How to Decorate a Rental Property without Making Permanent Changes

With property prices continuing to rise, many of us are renting on a more long-term basis. Most landlords don’t allow permanent changes to their property, so how do you personalise your living space without risking your deposit? Communicate with your landlord It is worth looking at your rental contract to see what you are and …

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