Report Reveals Unique Scottish Dispute Statistics

Tenancy deposit protection around the UK This summer saw the 10th anniversary of tenancy deposit protection in Scotland, with legislation having been introduced in 2011 and tenancy deposit protection schemes commencing operation in 2012. Regulations surrounding the protection of tenancy deposits in England and Wales came into effect in 2007, with Northern Ireland following the …


5 Top Tips to Make Sure Your Boiler Is Ready for Winter

Is your boiler ready for winter? The seasons have well and truly turned, and winter is coming – the busiest time of the year for one of the most valuable assets in your home or property – your boiler. So, there’s no better time than now to make sure your boiler and heating system are …


The Energy Prices Act – a Guide for Landlords and Tenants

Households in Scotland will be protected from sharp rises in their energy costs this winter through the UK Government’s Energy Prices Act. Within the universal scheme, it is a legal obligation on agents and landlords to ensure tenants, whose bills are included in their rents, benefit from the various elements of financial support package. What …


Lets Talk with Matthew Bringloe

Episode 64 of Lets Talk hears how an Aberdeen based initiative helps get empty homes back into use to assist those most in need, as well as supporting landlords. Aberdeen is currently facing an empty homes crisis and the cost of this is predicted to reach £3m this year. ‘Settled Homes for All’, an initiative …


The New Rent Arrears Ground and the Private Residential Tenancy

The Scottish Government passed the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Bill in early October and it came into force on 28th October 2022. The Bill provides exemptions to the eviction moratorium for new and existing grounds under both the assured and private residential tenancy regimes. This article focuses on the new rent arrears ground …


Welsh Government Rejects Rent Freeze

The approach taken by the devolved UK Governments towards rental inflation has highlighted radically different political ideologies. Whereas the Scottish Government has legislated in favour of a rent freeze (September 2022 – Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Scotland Bill), the Welsh Government has rejected a rent freeze (October 2022) with First Minister Mark Drakeford warning …

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