Out of Sight, Out of Mind… Out of Pocket?

When it comes to cleaning a property, lots of things can stand out for immediate attention. Dust on a mantlepiece, crumbs on a carpet, cooking stains on a hob, hairspray residue on a mirror… These will be obvious tasks to attend to before checking out at the end of a tenancy, but a common and …


Methods and Considerations for Paint Removal from Stone

Removing paint from stonework requires careful consideration to avoid causing any damage to your building. Whether it’s graffiti that needs to be swiftly dealt with, or a decision to restore the stone’s original appearance, it’s important to take the right approach. Should we remove paint from stonework? Graffiti on your building should be addressed promptly …


Lets Talk with Fiona Campbell from ASSC

Lets Talk’s 76th episode features CEO of the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC), Fiona Campbell. With the impending date of the 1st October drawing closer, Lets Talk host, Gillian Semmler, talks to Fiona about the serious concerns of the measures introduced by the Scottish Government to regulate the short-term lettings industry. They talk about the …


Legal Aspects of Shared Repairs

Shared repairs can be a complex and sometimes controversial issue for property owners. When multiple parties are involved in maintaining a tenement or common building, legal responsibilities and obligations come into play. It is crucial for property owners to understand the legal aspects of any common repair. In this article, we’ll delve into the legal …


Hot Topic: Air Conditioning Rules and Rights for Scottish Rental Agreements

[Image source: Deposit photos] While Scotland’s summers aren’t typically known for their blazing temperatures, when things do heat up, traditional properties built to keep us warm might feel uncomfortable. In rental properties where air conditioning has been installed or requested by tenants, a balance might need to be struck between the tenants’ comfort levels and …


Does Professionalism in Housing Already Exist?

Discussions around the meaning of professionalism and the importance of qualifications in the housing and property sector never dissipates, now, on the back of mandatory qualifications for those working in social housing in England being introduced, could this be the start of ‘professionalism’ in the sector for all of the UK? Earlier this year, Michael …

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