New Audience Records Set Q3 2013

Q3 (July-September) is traditionally the busiest time of the year for the lettings market and often sees new records set for visitor traffic to Citylets. 2013 was no exception with traffic reaching over 1.1million over the quarter, up 22% on 2012, and August recording our highest ever monthly total of 405k site visits (Source: Google …


Citylets Sponsors National Landlord Day

Citylets will again be taking a lead sponsorship of National Landlord Day in partnership with the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL). The event to be held at Dynamic earth in Edinburgh on Nov 12th will be comprised of a mix of expert and government speakers including Housing Minister Margaret Burgess MSP, a large trade exhibition …


Citylets agrees partnership with Daily Record

Following our recent partnership with GSPC, Citylets has now entered another new & exclusive partnership… this time with The Daily Record & Sunday Mail, the flagship titles of Media Scotland- Scotland’s largest publishing group and part of Trinity Mirror Plc. The deal is comprised of 2 key components: A lead presence within the Daily Record’s …


Citylets And GSPC New Partnership

The partnership between Citylets and GSPC got underway yesterday with client listings for west central Scotland* now appearing on The deal, a new and exclusive arrangement between Citylets and GSPC, compliments our existing relations with other local companies such as ESPC and is consistent with our aim to work with local brands to preserve …


New Build Completions in Scotland – All Is Revealed

With the lack of new housing supply becoming such a big issue ( or here Citylets felt it was important to explore the latest statistics from Scottish Government Housing Division to try and understand if this phenomenon was universal across Scotland. In previous blog posts we have examined the national statistics but the interactive …


PRS Trends and Strategies

As we highlighted in last week’s blog we are currently in a phase where the number of households formations in Scotland is growing but the supply of new build completions in the private and social sectors is at an all time low while housing sales transactions are half what they were 5 years ago. In …