Does the Punishment Fit the Crime?

A landlord who hid cameras in one of his rental properties to watch his tenants having sex and showering, has escaped jail. Paul Dunster, 59, former security worker, planted cameras in the bedroom and bathroom of one of his seven rental properties in Portsmouth, and made 183 videos of unsuspecting naked women over a ten …


How Responsible Are Scotland’s Student Tenants?

It may come as a surprise to hear that students in Scotland are in fact pretty responsible when it comes to renting properties. SafeDeposits Scotland have revealed which Scottish university students top the list for treating their ‘digs’ well. The deposit scheme hold around 60% of the market share and through their data, they discovered …


Landlords Running Amok in the UK?

Based on numerous TV programmes such as ‘Landlords from Hell’ or ‘the Week the Landlord Moved In’, one might think the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in Britain is ruled by money driven charlatans. However, according to a new study by an online letting agent, MakeUrMove, 92% of UK landlords have a good relationship with their …


How to Kiss Bed Bugs Goodbye

Although bed bugs don’t pose any serious health hazards nor transmit diseases, living with them under one roof and in the same bed can cause distress. As most rental properties come furnished, including beds and mattresses, it is good to be aware of the risk of these little creatures when moving homes. Bed bugs are …


Citylets Guide to Finding the Best Tenant

The Private Residential Tenancy (PRT) brought a new era to renting in Scotland for landlords. Not only has the 6 month Short Assured Tenancy been replaced with an open ended tenancy, but landlords also need to adhere to one of 18 grounds for possession if they would like their tenant to move out. Therefore it …


Broadband in Rented Accommodation

If you own your own home, having broadband installed is just a matter of finding the best deal. But what if you rent your home? What if there isn’t a landline? What happens if you have to leave the property before the end of the contract? This guide covers those questions and more. With more …