Trustworthiness More Valued Than Timely Rent Payments

One might think that all landlords care about is receiving rent payments on time; it’s business at the end of the day. However, this appears not to be the case. A fresh study into behaviours and attitudes towards tenants, agents and the lettings market, suggests that trust is the most important factor for many landlords …


Christmas Spirits at The Stand!

The Citylets Christmas client party has been and gone and we needed a few days to recover… however, we finally have the low-down. A great night was had by all; The Stand, as always, was a perfect venue for encouraging the Christmas ‘spirit’ with Tom Stade, Jarred Christmas and Susan Morrison, all ensuring the flow …


It Shouldn’t Happen to a Let

The ban on tenant fees in 2012 in Scotland was a highly charged event for the sector. Most agree it was a noble intent to curb excesses, though many feel the total ban on any fees went too far. Undoubtedly, though, it has left tenants protected from excess and Scotland has led the way in …


Braemore Sales & Lettings Top Dog in Edinburgh

Edinburgh based agent, Braemore Sales & Lettings, broke free out of the kennels after raising over £2,800 for the Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home. Scott Webster, Director of Estate Agency, and Callum MacGregor, Director of New Business of Braemore Sales & Lettings were voluntarily locked up in the dog kennels for a day, as a …


Citylets Partners with the Property Rugby Club

Citylets is proud to announce its partnership with the Property Rugby Club (PRC) whose aim is to build solid business relationships and opportunities between property and rugby and helping players transition after playing, as well as providing property advice during their career. Launched by a former junior international rugby player and Watsonians FC Captain, Alan …


Marked Increase in Seller’s Confidence in East Central Scotland’s Property Market

The ESPC August to October 2018 House Report saw east central Scotland experience a significant increase of 10.9% in the number of properties coming to the market compared to the same period in 2017. Edinburgh in particular, saw a 5.6% increase year on year (YOY). This is an indication of sellers regaining confidence in the …