Director of Build to Rent at Rettie and Co, Gillian McLees joins Gillian Semmler on Lets Talk for episode 17. McLees discusses the concept of Build to Rent (BTR), the unique features of the developments and why this year in particular can be described as a ‘watershed year’ for the tenure in Scotland.

BTR developments are often funded by private and public sector finance deals and Gillian gives examples of funding models that have been used in existing Scottish BTR schemes.

Similarities with other tenures

Gillian McLees covers Rettie’s active involvement in BTR including the Harbour Gateway mid-market rent development (MMR) and the commonalities between the two housing deliveries. The BTR director comes from a purpose built student accommodation (PBSA) background, enabling her to implement lessons learnt from the well-established PBSA model to the relatively new BTR tenure.

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