A landlord who had showed compassion and kindness to his student tenant during the pandemic, has been praised on social media around the world.

The story went viral when a 20 year old student from Truro in Cornwall shared on social media her text conversation with the landlord who unexpectedly offered her and her college mates a rent reduction.

“I’m going to reduce your rent for February by 50% given the circumstances. I hope this goes at least some way towards putting a smile on your faces today!” – read the spontaneous text message that Katerina Callaghan, the Falmouth University, received from the landlord.

When she messaged the landlord back to thank him for his kind offer, Katerina also mentioned that she hadn’t been feeling well. Her landlord’s response was immediate – “Is there anything I can do for you? Do you need me to get anything for you?” – he said and rushed to deliver paracetamol at Katerina’s request.

“He was actually rather sweet – just dropped the painkillers off and left in order not to disturb me,” explained Katerina.

Genuine concern for tenants

This is not the only time the landlord has gone the extra mile for his tenants. When Katerina and her fellow college mates moved in to the flat in August 2020, the landlord brought cupcakes on the first day of meeting them.

Katerina commented: “Our landlord is normally someone to check in on us.

“He’s often expressed some level of worry as I deal with chronic pain and he’s asked if I have needed things before,” she explained.


Katerina’s post on social media has received hundreds of comments and more than 10,000 ‘upvotes’ showing the extent of “support and love” for the landlord.

It’s worth noting that Katerina’s experience is not an isolated case. She herself has a couple of stories from other tenants that have made her “all the more thankful for the kindness,” she says.