Category: Property

Scottish Rental Market – Where Are We Now?

The Scottish rental sector continues to experience a series of changes that started with the introduction of the Additional Dwelling Supplement and the Scottish Private Rental Tenancy (SPRT) in 2016 and 2017, and has seen subsequent changes to tax relief, the introduction of rent control legislation, and the rise of institutional investment in the BTR …


The Role of BTR in Delivering ‘A New Deal For Tenants’

The Scottish Government has released their industry consultation, ‘A New Deal For Tenants’, detailing Scotland’s vision to place a stronger tenant and community focus at the forefront of the nation’s housing policy. This additional safeguarding of tenants’ rights is intended to complement the existing ‘Housing to 2040’ strategy for low cost and low carbon housing. …


Buy-to-Let: Is it More Attractive Furnished or Unfurnished?

When trying to attract and secure reliable tenants, is it best to present a flat as furnished or unfurnished? Both, furnished and unfurnished accommodation, play an important part in the lettings market and there are no right or wrong answers to the question. Certainly, landlords are under no legal obligation to furnish their properties. The …


Licensing of Short-Term Lets

The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2021 (the Order) came into force on 1 March 2022. Its purpose is to regulate the short-term letting sector by introducing a national licensing scheme to be operated by local authorities backed up by criminal sanctions. In addition, local authorities will be able to …


Properly Functioning Private Rented Sector Relies on Equal Rights

The Scottish Government’s New Deal for Tenants is, to coin a well-known advertising slogan, ‘exactly what it says on the tin.’ The 108-page document contains the word ‘tenants’ 289 times — over 100 times more than ‘landlords’ (165 times). ‘Tenants’ rights’ outnumbers references to ‘landlords’ rights’ by nine to one. So what, some might say. …


Digital Marketing Tips to Boost the Growth of Your Agency

The legacy of 2020’s multiple lockdowns and regulations led to a rise in properties being viewed and let via digital channels. As a result, there has never been a more vital time for letting agents to push forward with strong digital marketing strategies to generate leads. But, what if you’re not seeing the results you …

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