Category: Property Investment

Self-Employed Mortgage Guide: 8 Things You Should Know

Being self-employed can sometimes mean that getting loans and other financial products is more difficult than if you were employed by another business. However, all is not entirely lost, and there are options available to you. You just need to be aware of some of the extra information you may be required to provide, as …


Everything You Need to Know About Remortgaging Your Property

Are you currently getting the most out of your mortgage? Chances are, there’s a product out there that suits your current needs and circumstances better, which is why we always recommend reviewing your current lending regularly and consider remortgaging at regular intervals. In this article, we’ll go over why you should regularly scour the market …


A Guide to Purchasing Your Second Home

If you’re looking to purchase a second home, there are a few things you’ll need to consider before making the purchase. This guide will help you to get started so you won’t get lost along the way. Buy-to-let For people who want to invest their money in a tangible asset that has often been relatively …


How Much Money Do I Need to Get Started in Property Investment?

More and more people are recognising the unique advantages of property investment, and Edinburgh and Scotland’s Central Belt, in general, is a great place to invest in property thanks to steadily rising property prices. First off, we have to understand the different costs associated with purchasing a buy-to-let property: Cost of the property itself (typically …

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