Category: Lets Talk

Lets Talk with Five in a Row

Crew members, Clive Rooney and Ross McKinney, from the only Scottish team in the 2021 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, Five in a Row join host Gillian Semmler for episode 52 of Lets Talk. The challenge involves rowing 3,000 miles unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean, from La Gomera in the Canaries to Nelson’s Harbour in Antigua. …


Lets Talk with Mill Architects

Jo Parry-Geddes, Associate and Conservation Architect with Mill Architects joins Lets Talk host, Gillian Semmler for episode 51 to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding housing standards and repairs within the Private Rented Sector (PRS). Jo gives advice and shares scenarios that may concern landlords/property owners – from a notice being served …


Lets Talk with Cox and Co

Lets Talk celebrates its 50th episode by Cox and Co’s MD John Cox and his Business Development Manager, Neill Bukes joining host, Gillian Semmler to chat about the change of structure and expansion within the organisation. The appointment of Neill’s position is a clear indication of John’s aims to ‘get his teeth into the growth …


Lets Talk with John Strange

John Strange, Managing Director of Aspray Glasgow West, features on episode 49 explaining to listeners about services such as Aspray’s who help property owners make successful buildings claims at no extra cost to them. The company can also project manage the repairs; John’s talks through the procedure step by step and covers previous case studies. …


Lets Talk with Clan Gordon

Episode 48 features directors and founders of Edinburgh based letting agency Clan Gordon. Brothers, Jonathan and Andrew Gordon established the agency in 2007 and review how they navigated through the pandemic, ensuring no tenant evictions or staff redundancies; indeed, headcount grew over the period. They also describe how they invested in the company and their …


Lets Talk with Jimmy Black

Jimmy Black, former Dundee Housing Convenor and Housing Justice Campaigner, as well as co-host of Scottish Housing News podcast joins Lets Talk host, Gillian Semmler for episode 47. Jimmy shares his views on Dundee’s rental market including his thoughts on how the local economy has affected rental values and whether the city possibly becoming a …

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