Category: Legislation

Eviction Notice Periods to Revert Back to pre-Pandemic

Introduced at the start of the pandemic to protect tenants from eviction, the extended notice periods for residential tenancies, in both public and private rented sectors, will expire on 30th March 2022, the Scottish Government has announced. This means that the provision in the Coronavirus Recovery and Reform (Scotland) Bill to extend the notice periods …


Short Term Lets Clamp Down in Scotland

The Scottish Government has approved new legislation under which all short term let properties must have a license by July 2024. In line with the new regulations, all local authorities will have until 1st October 2022 to establish a short term lets licensing scheme, and existing hosts and operators will be required to apply for …


Consultation on New Deal for Tenants Opens to Public

The Scottish Government has published a consultation paper on a new deal for tenants which aims to deliver stronger tenants’ rights, greater protection against eviction and access to higher quality, more affordable and greener housing. The new policies, outlined in the Draft Rented Sector Strategy, are intended to help shape a fairer rented sector that …


New Short Term Lets Legislation Introduced in Scotland

Following concerns about the impact of short term lets on local communities as well as housing supply, new legislation has been introduced before the Scottish Parliament to give councils more powers in order to make short term lets safe and balance communities’ needs with wider economic and tourism interests. Earlier this year (April 2021), measures …


Fire and Smoke Alarms Legislation Changes in Scotland

Scotland is soon to become the first UK nation to require every home to have interlinked fire and smoke alarms regardless of tenure. This legislative change to the Tolerable Standard comes into force on 1st February 2022 and will apply to all households, both in the private and social housing sectors. Meeting the new standard …


Eviction Ban in Scotland Extended

At the end of last year the Scottish Government introduced a temporary ban on evictions between 11th December 2020 and 22nd January 2021. However, due to a surge in COVID-19 case, the eviction ban has now been extended. To stop people from needing to find a new home or move in with a different household, …