Category: Deposits

How Detailed Is Too Detailed?

Drama down under The demands of an Australian landlord recently went viral, reaching these shores via platforms such as Reddit and online news outlets. The story concerned a landlord checklist issued to tenants ahead of routine mid-tenancy inspections, with 20 points ranging from “light fittings must be wiped and free of insects” to “swimming pool …


How Much Can I Ask for as a Tenancy Deposit? … And Other Important Points

All eyes on rent The rent freeze announced by the Scottish Government in September has continued to be a talking point in Scotland’s private rented sector, and is likely to remain a closely watched topic as 31st March 2023 approaches (it was stated that the freeze would be in place until this date at least). …


Report Reveals Unique Scottish Dispute Statistics

Tenancy deposit protection around the UK This summer saw the 10th anniversary of tenancy deposit protection in Scotland, with legislation having been introduced in 2011 and tenancy deposit protection schemes commencing operation in 2012. Regulations surrounding the protection of tenancy deposits in England and Wales came into effect in 2007, with Northern Ireland following the …


Responding to Rent Arrears

What is the scale of the issue? Rent arrears are far from a new phenomenon, however, the financial difficulties imposed on many tenants by recent factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis, have placed additional emphasis on this issue that can cause distress for tenants and landlords alike. A report …


10 Years of Tenancy Deposit Protection

The beginning On Monday 2nd July 2012, Scotland’s three government approved tenancy deposit protection schemes began operating. The schemes were established to accommodate legislation introduced the previous year, the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011. 2nd July 2022 is therefore the milestone date for 10 years of tenancy deposit protection in Scotland. A recap of …


North East Scotland Landlords Praised for Renting Responsibly

When it comes to protecting tenants’ deposits in Scotland, landlords of properties in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire have been proven to be the most responsible. Best protected tenants’ deposits in Scotland SafeDeposits Scotland have analysed the rates of landlords failing to protect tenants’ deposits and found that, based on the decisions made by the First-tier …