Category: Common Repairs

Emergency Tenement Repairs by App

Winter is in full swing and as the rain is covering the majority of Scotland, many homeowners will be feeling the pressure when emergency repairs start popping up in their tenements. With rainy weather imminent, many people will be looking for advice on emergency, common repairs. The common repairs process set out by the TMS …


What to Do When an Owner Won’t Pay for a Communal Repair?

Tenement building repairs are inevitable and taking quick action could lessen the damage and cost. However, dealing with communal repairs can be stressful, especially when owners are absent or in dispute or refuse to pay their share. Ideally, owners will be paying into a fund, often referred to as a building reserve or sinking fund. …


Forming Owners’ Associations – a Solid Investment in Your Property

Owning a tenement flat can bring many challenges and opportunities to landlords, but the ability to work together with other flat owners is key to achieving a warm, dry and sustainable building. Your property is likely to be your biggest investment, so taking the time to get to know your building and your co-owners makes …


Make Do and Mend: Tenements

The concept of ‘make do and mend’ was coined during WWII by the British Ministry of Information, designed to help housewives repair, reuse and reimagine clothes during rationing. It’s an outdated concept in the modern day, but it’s a useful reminder today of what individuals can do as part of a wider effort by the …


Common Repairs in Scottish Tenements

Who’s who and what’s what (for the benefit of homeowners and landlords) Common repairs are a well-known source of migraines and arguments in Scottish tenements. Until the legislation changes and innovative building management platforms are more widely used, this is unfortunately likely to continue. Here, we try to deal with one of the key pain …


Tenements on the Brink: Why Buildings Collapse

The BBC Documentary ‘Why Buildings Collapse’ reflected upon the tragic collapse of the Champlain Tower South in 2021. Although mostly based in Florida, the programme brought the issue into a UK context and firmly focused on the Scottish housing quality crisis. In this blog post, we explain some of the critical issues affecting tenements, their …