Category: Common Repairs

5 Reasons to Restore Your Wooden Windows Instead of Replacing Them

Wooden windows are full of charm and character. They give your home a timeless and beautiful look but over time, wear and tear can set in. Peeling paint, draughts, or even a bit of rot might make you wonder: should I replace them? The truth is, that restoration can often be the better option. Saving …


Securing Your Property for the Winter

As important as it is at this time of year to check road conditions, it is just as important to make sure that your flat stays dry and secure during the winter weather. This article shares tips on how to look after your tenement property during the winter season or while you are away. Prevent …


Winter Worries That Might Affect Your Deposit

‘Tis the season to be jolly – but there is nothing jolly at all about facing a deposit dispute at the end of a tenancy. From decorations that have been left up when the tenancy moves out to damage that has been caused by harsh weather conditions during the winter, tenancy deposit scheme SafeDeposits Scotland …


Maintaining and Repairing Windows

As winter comes to Scotland, and our homes are battered by the high winds, rain and snow which characterise this time of year, we reflect on the importance of our windows. They are vital for letting in the sparse daylight, and for keeping out the cold. So, let’s consider some of the common issues you …


Understanding Common Repairs in Tenement Buildings: A Guide for Scottish Property Owners

Tenement buildings are an iconic feature of Scotland’s urban landscape, particularly in cities like Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dundee. These multi-unit buildings, often dating back to the 19th and early 20th centuries, provide spacious and characterful homes. However, owning a property in a tenement comes with specific responsibilities, especially when it comes to common repairs. Understanding …


Protecting Your Property: The Impact of Plant Growth on Buildings and How to Prevent Damage

With summer upon us, plants are soaking up the sun and growing in the usual places, like gardens and parks – but they can also be seen growing in less desirable places, like in the gutters and walls of tenement buildings. Plant growth can cause serious damage to properties, so it’s crucial to take preventative …

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