Category: Being a Landlord

Do State Benefits Equate to Second Class Citizens in Renting?

That’s how a single mum, Rosie Keogh, felt when a letting agency rejected her application because she was on state benefit. Rosie had been living in the same property for 11 years and paying her rent in full each month, before she applied for a property in Kings Heath in Birmingham. As a housing benefit …


Standard Fire Safety Rules For All Properties

Amendments to a 30 year old Scottish law will see significant changes to the fire and smoke alarm regulations that will benefit everyone, regardless of tenure. The existing standards for fire and smoke alarms in Scotland are already high in the private rented sector and now they are going to be extended to all homes …


“Sir Can You Help Me? It’s Cold and I’ve Nowhere to Sleep.”

Inspired by the lyrics of ‘Another Day In Paradise’ by Phil Collins and his very own story, a London based landlord offered a helping hand to a homeless family of four by giving a roof over their heads for free this past festive season. Laurence Lameche, the owner of a successful property business, was struck …


Mouldy, Steamy Horrors in Renting – but Who or What is Really to Blame?

It’s that time of year when windows can become full of condensation, marks or even mould on walls and ceilings can form and all too often the finger will point at the landlord for providing inadequate living conditions. Is it really down to the failings of the landlord? Interestingly, two out of three times, it …


Landlord with a Big Heart

Rogue landlords often make the news and deliver high readability levels to publisher. We are surrounded by bad news, they always seem to make the headlines, but what about good landlords – does no one want to hear about them anymore? This is the story about a UK Landlord that promotes kindness, compassion and humanity, …


Attention! The Rules of Renting Are Changing

Renting in Scotland is changing. December 2017 heralds a new era which affects everybody who rents or lets a private residential property. Assured and short assured tenancies in Scotland (SATs) will soon become a thing of the past. As at 1st December 2017 a new tenancy regime, called the private residential tenancy (PRT), comes into …

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