Category: Being a Landlord

Crackdown on Minority Who Repeatedly Fail to Pay Rent

The minority of tenants who repeatedly fail to pay their rent are facing a crackdown. Graham Simpson MSP, Scottish Conservative spokesman on housing, is asking ministers what they plan to do to help landlords recover debt more quickly. Mr Simpson has been contacted by landlords frustrated by how long it can take to evict non-paying …


Scotland Produces the Best Landlord in the UK

“She has the patience of a saint, a heart of gold and she will literally do anything for her tenants. I feel privileged to be one of her tenants.” Kelso based landlord, Elaine Kellington, is the winner of first ever Landlord of the Year Award from home insurance provider HomeProtect. Elaine has an impressive portfolio …


Axe the “Tenant Tax”!

There has been much in the news in recent years concerning tax relief changes and how it has affected landlords. Very little though has been disclosed on how the reverberations will affect tenants. Landlord David Heard, who has had to sell several rental properties and a plot of land that he planned to develop for …


Proposals for Change to Landlord Registration

A consultation regarding changes to the landlord registration scheme was announced last month by the Scottish Government. Landlord registration became compulsory in 2004 with the aim to improve standards in the private rented sector in Scotland. Kevin Stewart, Housing Minister for Scotland, explained that the current system needs to be more vigorous to ensure landlords …


Tenants’ Biggest Put-Offs When Renting

While choosing a property to rent, the majority of tenants make their decision based on cost, location, garden, consent to keep pets and parking… but as a landlord, do you ever wonder what renters do not want to find in their new rented home? What are the most off-putting factors that can deter prospective tenants …


£31k Fine for Landlord for Failing to Deal with Pigeons

Does waking up in the morning to a birdsong sound idyllic to you? Yes, provided the wakeup call is not at 4 in the morning, every morning and caused by noisy pigeons… A couple renting a property in North West London was reported to be persistently disturbed by pigeons cooing that kept them awake daily …

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