Category: Being a Landlord

What Scottish Tenants Are Looking for from Rental Properties in 2023 and how Landlords Can Deliver

Understanding your market is vital to succeed in the modern world of property rentals. For landlords in Scotland, this means knowing what features Scottish tenants are looking for in 2023 and how to deliver on these expectations. Aligning your rental properties with tenant preferences can help you attract quality tenants, minimise void period, and maximise …


A Best Practice Guide to Organising a Common Repair

Common repairs in tenement buildings can be time consuming and stressful to deal with. Whether you own a tenement flat that is well-maintained and managed or you’re not sure where to start, the process for organising a common repair can be difficult to navigate. Following proper procedures is a critical element in the repairs process …


A Guide to Finding the Right Tenant for Your Rental Property

When you have a rental property, finding a tenant can be one of the biggest concerns you might have. Sourcing a good tenant can be difficult; after all, you are entrusting them with your most significant asset, so you need to feel comfortable and confident that they will look after your property while they live …


Securing Your Investment: How to Look After an Empty Property

Although empty properties might seem hard to come by in today’s market where demand for rentals is high, leaving a property vacant can open it up to increased risks of theft, vandalism and deterioration. As a landlord, it is crucial to be aware of security challenges and know what measures to take to properly secure …


How to Deal with Wood Rot or Timber Decay in Your Home

Owning a home is a dream come true for many, but maintenance tasks are part of the price we pay for that privilege. Take timber decay, for instance. From minor chipping to outright collapse, wood rot can take all kinds of forms and often rapidly transform a small repair job into a major nightmare. Wood …


Successful Property Management: Tips and Strategies for Landlords

For landlords, managing rental property effectively requires a systematic approach. Being a landlord is not simply a passive income source; it demands organisation, diligent communication and keeping on top of essential responsibilities. Failure to do so can mean costly mistakes, loss of good tenants and legal trouble. This article provides practical tips and strategies for …