Flats to rent with Citylets
With Citylets, finding flats to rent is easy. We provide detailed information about available rental apartments in Scotland.
So rather than spending time searching through property guides or visiting different letting agents, with Citylets, you can find the right property from the comfort of your own home.
All you need to do is enter details of what you are looking for. This can include location, number of bedrooms, level of furnishings and the maximum rent you can afford.
We will use this information to present you with a list of flats to rent that match your requirements.
Finding flats for rent
Our database of flats for rent is regularly updated, so you never need to worry about choosing a property only to find it has already been leased out. This can be a regular occurrence if you rely on printed property guides.
What's more, all flats for rent on the Citylets database come with a detailed profile, helping you to choose the apartment that is right for you.
This profile includes the deposit and rent amount, a list of any furniture and white goods provided in the flat, information about local amenities, a handy street map and contact details so you can arrange a viewing.
When you search with Citylets, you will be able to find flats in many different cities. Our selection of properties includes:
At Citylets we are truly dedicated to helping you find your ideal flat, thus helping to ensure your move is a stress-free experience.